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Showing posts from August, 2017

Battlefield 1: Short Campaigns and Reward Systems

A Brief History Battlefield has always been a game defined by multiplayer gameplay, large scale warfare, and destruction spread out across grand—this should seem obvious—battlefields.  Fields of battle if you will.  That does sound like it should be obvious but, Battlefield has also been recently defined by campaigns that don’t capture the grandiose feeling of playing Domination in multiplayer. What says grandiose better than a flamethrower? A brief recap of the last few games for anyone who hasn’t tried them is as follow: Battlefield Bad Company 2 was wildly loved, but that’s an entirely different article. Battlefield 3 and 4 campaigns were regarded as mediocre by most, with 3 held above 4, but both disliked for not capturing the magic of the larger multiplayer maps. I did love the third game, biases up front. Hardline was an attempt at a cop drama that was entertaining to a good amount of people, but why did that need to be a Battlefield game when i...

Final Fantasy XV: Road Trip! (Part Three!)

Here we are, at the end of our strange love affair. Oh, and also here's the last part of my Final Fantasy XV writing review. We're back on the train and headed straight for the empire capital city... but not before another detour! Noctis wants to visit Luna's hometown of Tenebrae. Gladio protests but relents after Noctis showed his resolve during the last detour. If it helps him move past it, Gladio is okay with making time for it.  With the nights getting longer, the train gets ambushed by daemons that are controlled by the empire. It's all hands on deck as the boys get trapped at a checkpoint and have to fight off the empire while guarding the train too. Ardyn shows up too and we get into a surreal chase scene where Noctis tries getting revenge.  About halfway through the chase, it became painfully obvious that this was a trick. Ardyn reveals later that he used to magic to switch appearances with Prompto. So that whole time Noctis was chasing Ardyn, it was ...

Final Fantasy XV: Road Trip! (Part Two)

Welcome back to part two! Now, with all I've already said, you might be thinking, what about Lunafreya? And to that I say, I don't know. One of the most disappointing things here, writing wise, is that Luna has no discernible character. Her job is to be the oracle and help the king (who is now Noctis) and that's pretty much it.  She makes really poetic speeches about light and dark and everyone says she's really important. But I haven't been given a reason to care about her except for Noctis' flashbacks. And even in those, she seems super mature for her age and stiff, rather than a kid.   She does have one really good character moment but it doesn't last long. It involves a flashback where she's speaking to a messenger of the gods. She implies that, while she hopes the upcoming marriage isn't a burden to Noctis, she is actually looking forward to reuniting with him and staying by his side.  That's the only selfish desire she ad...