Why hello, I didn't see you there. Please, step in. Don't worry, despite us never having met, my alien translator perfectly converts our conversation to English. What? Yours doesn't? You should see a doctor about that... Factions - Broader Strokes THE ANGARAN... and Jaal: As a written character, Jaal is fine enough, if you're willing to settle for that. He's the poster boy for his species and as such, is our window into their culture. Our experience with him will either help define his race or defy stereotypical expectations. Many characters in Mass Effect tend to fall outside the norm of their culture. They serve as exposition to their people's norms while also highlighting how and why differ. *My biggest gripe with Jaal has to do with the god-awful writing, scripting, and direction of his loyalty quest. It's not even a terrible premise, it's just executed with utter nonsense. A sub faction of the Angaran are hostile to any foreign aliens, w...
Thoughts on game mechanics and structure