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Hue: Building the Spectrum

Hue is a puzzle platformer about finding color in a black and white world.  Eight colors, to be specific.

The color of the world is nil.  The skies have greyed and the sea is black.  Hue finds a letter that tasks him with exploring the area around his home for the actual blocks of color absent from his world.  The woman who reads the letter knows him and begs him to find her.  And you're off.  You're technically off to the races and puzzles before learning any of the aforementioned, which is all learned in the first moments.  I always enjoy a game that slaps you right into the action and lets you learn to play before it gives you a cutscene.  Yes, it's easier to do that with a game of this scope, a sidescroller, but giving control to the player first is still welcomed.  

Hue gives you one color to start, the bright blue of the sky, a color people can see every day.  New zones begin in grey, and only one color can be selected at a time.  The color that is selected will hide any objects of the same color.  Where there were once blue rocks would turn to empty space when you select blue to fill the world, or screen, with.  New colors grant access to new levels and more letters from the woman you're trying to find.  Meanwhile, you're being watched an unknown entity, cloaked and waiting.  Get in the caves and restore the world Hue to what it could be, a vibrant spectacle, ordinary beauty. 
Skies really cleared up

- Ben R.  
Player of Games


I don't want to show all eight colors and rob the moment from people.  But, here's the wheel.  Jump on, platformers.  


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